
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth

Hi guys!
Just opened my box :D

Have fun :)


  1. Nice :D I can't wait for saturday to get my own box with my friends! How will you paint these units?

    1. The game itself look cool too!

      I known that they are both traitor legions but right now the idea is Son of Horus and Emperor's Children

    2. The game IS cool, trust me:D I had a chance to play it twice and I've really enjoyed it!

      Haha, I've also thought about EC and my friend thought about making SoH. But I'll paint mine as Iron Hands - mk IV doesn't quite fit my beloved Thousand Sons.

      I can't wait for your finished models!:D

    3. Cool man! I'm looking forward to play some games too.

      At the moment I'm having some doubts about the SoH: they maybe turn out to be Blood Angels in the end lol

    4. Another friend of mine would make BA as well - but he'll probably make DA but in post heresy colours.

      I'm always curious about how the models from starter sets would look like painted in other colour scheme than advertised - when I was painting my csm from Datk Vengeance I really had problem to picture them in TS blue instead of red. And now I will have similar issue with this set - that's why am I so curious about your and my friends models ;)

    5. Yeah me too, never been a fan of the suggested army/colors

      What I really like about this box is that there are no specific markings on the models so you can made them any Legion you want. And the Tacticals being compatible with the FW upgrades is another plus! :)

  2. I was glad to hear that they have no legion symbols as well:P They are a nice starter pack for a sm army - both 40k and 30k. I had some marines before, but I've decided to start them all over again as Iron Hands - so far there is only one Venerable Dreadnought and Marine made from spare parts.

    1. and this comment was supposed to be a reply of course:P
