
Monday, 10 November 2014

Dark Eldar Venom WIP

When the new Dark Eldar book landed I decided it was time to resurrect the army and start painting it. After a bit of testing I revised my old colour scheme and I started to paint one of my Venoms. Here are some pics of the little thing so far:

Dark Eldar Venom WIP

Dark Eldar Venom WIP

I'm probably going to paint the two gem-like thingy above the engine in gold too to add a bit more of the colour on the model

Here is it as seen from below. This is actually an older pic, the sections of the upper hull on the nose are painted in gold too, like they are on the upper surface

Dark Eldar Venom WIP

There is still a lot to do: paint the weapons, the pilot and the crew (I'm not sure about how many there are going to be), more work on the edge highlight on the green hull, the various trophies and so long and a whole lot of things to fix and clean up... I'm also going to try and put some tribal markings on the hull if I can manage to do that without ruining the whole thing ...

C&C really appreciated!