
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Vaul's wrath support battery: 3x Shadow Weaver

Hi guys!
I'm back from the holidays with a new project: a unit of Vaul's wrath support batteries I'm building for my Eldar army that it's currently in need of  a bit more of long range fire power to deal with infantry and light vehicles. For the moment I'm going with three Shadow Veawers but I've magnetised the gun so I could easily swap it out for one of the other options if the need arise

Vaul's wrath support battery: 3x Shadow Weaver

The model is very easy to assembly on the paper but doing so will make painting it an hellish job so I'm going to paint almost every single bits separately. I'm also using six stock Guardians as the gunners to add a bit of variety. Game-wise I will ignore the guy sitting on the gun piece itself as every support battery can field only two gunners

Here are all the bits ready to be primed: almost half of them will be primed in white while the other will get primed with German Panzer Grey as usual for my Iyanden colour scheme

Vaul's wrath support battery: 3x Shadow Weaver

And here are the primed bits:

Vaul's wrath support battery: 3x Shadow Weaver

Vaul's wrath support battery: 3x Shadow Weaver

I also started to work on the yellow sections.  This is were things start to be a little different from how I painted my Iyanden army so far. During the last month I did some experiments because I was not 100% satisfied by how my airbrush works keep turning out. They were always a bit chalky or dusty and not as bright as I wanted them

One of the things I tried out was to apply the first coat of colour (the base coat layer) with a brush instead that airbrushing it. Only after I achieved a nice solid coat of colour I went in with my airbrush to complete the job

Here is a example of what I'm talking about. In the first image you can see a couple of Wraithguards I painted as a test on the yellow before I painted my Wraithnight. On the second image you can see another Wraithguard I painted following my new method

So the first order of business was to put down this first layer of brushed on yellow. To get a more brighter base layer I'm starting for Vallejo Game Color Sun Yellow:

Vaul's wrath support battery: 3x Shadow Weaver

Vaul's wrath support battery: 3x Shadow Weaver

So far so good. Next up: working on the yellow with the airbrush

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