
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

First game with the new Eldar

Last night I played my first game with the new Eldar codex, a 1500 points game against Space Marines

My list was the following:

- Spiritseer
- 5x Wraithblades
- Wave Serpent, Scatter Laser, Shurinken Cannon, Spirit Stones, Holofields

- 5x Dire Avangers
- Falcon, Scatter Laser, Spirit Stones, Holofields

- 5x Dire Avangers
- Wave Serpent, Scatter Laser, Shurinken Cannon, Spirit Stones, Holofields

- 5x Rangers

- 8x Warp Spiders (in reserves)

- Fire Prism, Spirit Stones, Holofields

- Wraithknight, Suncannon

The mission was Purge the Alien with Dawn of War deployment. My opponent got first turn and played with two tactical squads (one in a ruin and one in a Rhino), Vulkan and 5 SS/TH Terminators in a Land Raider, a Master of the Forge, a Thunder Fire cannon and a Dreadnought (the one with AV13). He basically castled up in two ruins after he boosted their cover saves to 3+ with his Techmarine and Master of the Forge.

I deployed my Rangers in a ruin in the middle of my deployment area, the two Serpents behind a ruin on their left and the Falcon, Prism and Knight behind a ruin on the right. I failed to steal initiative.

In the first turn nothing major happened, he took a hull point from my Prism and one of the Serpent by glancing them. I took a wound from the Thunderfire cannon and the Master of the Forge and glanced his Dreadnought

He hid is Master of the Forge inside the ruin and then killed four of my Ranges with the Thunderfire in his second turn but the lone survivor passed his morale check. Also he put a glance on my Falcon but nothing else. Jink + Holofields is really really good! I focused on the Rhino and the Thunderfire while blasting the other tactical squad with the Serpent Shield from one of my transport killing a single Marine.

The real turning point of the game happened in turn three: he run the Rhino away and popped smokes and then fired the Cannon and the Dreadnought flamers against my Wraightknight but he could not wound him. He charged the Knight with the Dread but with I5 I went first and managed to put two pens on it and the AP2 bonus got me and explosion result.

My Spiders came in from reserves and I deep striked them near his Rhino. The Falcon finally exploded the Rhino and he rolled a 1" radius for the explosion blast. One of his marines died in the explosion and I finished the squad by firing at it first with the Wraightknight and then with the Spiders. I also moved my two Serpents flat-out toward the other ruins, planning to shoot everything at then in the next turn and then assault the survivors with the Wraithblades

We stopped the game there because he conceded at that point. His Land Raider was in my deployment zone and the whole of my force (except the lone Ranger) was in his so the final result was 5 to 1 victory points for me.

My impressions from this first game:

- Target Lock is awesome, don't leave home without a Scatter Laser
- Holofields are worth every penny (and they are cheaper now)
- The Suncannon is very good
- I never fired the Shuriken Cannons so maybe I could drop them
- The Falcon is not nearly as bad as we read on various forum
- The Lance shoot from the Prism look good on paper but you could not count on it at 100%

I'm basing this on a single game and my opponent played very defensively but.. so far Eldar looks good :)

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