
Sunday, 2 June 2013

Eldar Wraithknight progress 3

Almost there!

Today I filled and cleaned all the gaps in the legs and all the various pieces of the torso armour. What a day! ...

Also I worked on the base and pinned to feet to it after filling them with Milliput. A pin was also added to reinforce the hip joint before gluing the upper legs

Hopefully tomorrow I will complete the assembly stage. And after that I'll move to some paint scheme tests :)

UPDATE: just to show you guys the little sword that come with the kit ...

It is almost as long as the new Hemlock WraithFighter hull or a Dark Edar Ravager / Raider!


  1. Nicely done. I'll be following your progress. Working on one myself.

    1. Thank you! I checked your blog, very very nice work and tips! I look forward to see yours painted :)

    2. You're welcome. You deserve it.

      Appreciate the kind words.

  2. Looks good! What do you use for your gap filling needs?

    1. Thank you!

      For gap filling I use Vallejo Liquid Putty (like on the Wraithknight) or grey stuff. The putty is a bit tricky to use but it dry very fast. I use grey stuff for larger gaps or jobs were more control is required. Both are sandable so you can get a really smooth finish

    2. Awesome! I'm using Grey Stuff right now on my Wraith Knight in fact! I think I'll have to snag some of the LP from Vallejo. Those gaps between leg bits are driving me nuts currently. Yours gives me hope though!

    3. Yeah, you should try some. Keep it mind that it come in a dropper bottle like the paints or in a tube. With the tube you could apply the putty directly on the gap and the as you apply pressure on the tube to push out the putty, the putty itself is kind of pushed directly in the gap, filling it
