
Sunday, 23 June 2013

Eldar Wraithknight: it is DONE ! - UPDATED

It is done!!!

After 25 long days my Wraithknight is complete! And lucky me I got him 2 days before release ...

Today I worked on the base and on the highlights on the black areas. I also did some edge highlights on him and let me be honest: I used the Edge paints I bought some times ago and the worked like a charm!

Now I only need to put the last gloss / matte protective coat and then I can move on to the Hemlock!

UPDATE: Here are some better pictures on the BigBoy:

Eldar Wraithknight Iyanden

Eldar Wraithknight Iyanden

Eldar Wraithknight Iyanden

Eldar Wraithknight Iyanden

Eldar Wraithknight Iyanden

Eldar Wraithknight Iyanden


  1. Congrats on completing such a large model with flying colors.
    Its no small feat!

    Stunning work on this model.
    Luv the shading and highlights on the whole armor.
    Can't wait to see your flyer!

    1. Thank you!
      I already started to clean the bits of the Hemlock :D
