
Friday, 18 January 2013

The Archon's dilemma: Huskblade, Agonizer or Venom Blade ?

What is the most efficient way for my Archon to kill his foes?

What is the cheapest way to do it?

Those are the questions that are bothering me lately and so I finally decided to find out. Let's play a round of MathHammer!


Uhm that must be the Archon I guess...

You may known the guy, very good Weapon Skill, low Strength and Resistance, awesome Initiative

I'm going to check out how statistically good he is against the, uhm, other guys, using the following weapons with or without Furious Charge:

  • a plain Power Sword
  • the Venom Blade
  • an Agonizer
  • the Huskblade
  • the Huskblade with an active Soul Trap


I will testing out the various Archon configurations against the following stereotypes:

  • MEQ: your standard Space Marine
  • TEQ: a Terminator (no Storm Shield)
  • ORK: Greenskins!
  • GEQ: an Imperial Guardsmen
  • ELD: the good ones
WS T As Inv Sv
MEQ 4 4 3+
TEQ 4 4 2+ 5+
ORK 4 4 6+
GEQ 3 3 5+
ELD 4 3 4+


In this first scenario our Archon is charging his enemies without Furious Charge

With a whopping 6 attacks he SHOULD inflict the following unsaved wounds. I'm listing the weapons from the cheapest to the most expensive one

Venom Blade 1.11 0.56 2.78 2.59 1.94
Power Sword 1.33 0.22 1.33 2.00 2.00
Agonizer 2.00 0.33 2.00 2.00 2.00
Huskblade 1.33 0.89 1.33 2.00 2.00
Huskblade + Soul Trap 3.33 2.22 3.33 3.33 3.33

I highlighted the best result against each enemy type, keeping the Huskblade / Soul Trap combo aside as this will probably be always the best performing one but we could not take the activation of the Soul Trap for granted

Against MEQ all the special weapons perform adequately: the 50/50 chance of wounding of the Agonizer out-perform the low strength of the Huskblade and the cheap Venom Blade is not too far behind the Power Sword or Huskblade

TEQ are a a hard nut to crack as expected and the awesome AP of the Huskblade give the best results here but the cheaper Venom Blade is a close second

A low armour save foe is the ideal playmate of the Venom  Blade and the higher his Toughness, the better the results. The Agonizer is doing well to against T4

Against your standard Eldar the Power Sword look like the best compromise between wounds and points


With two Pain Tokens under his belt, the Archon get a nice boost:

Venom Blade 1.30 0.65 3.24 2.59 1.94
Power Sword 2.00 0.33 2.00 2.67 2.67
Agonizer 2.00 0.33 2.00 2.00 2.00
Huskblade 2.00 1.33 2.00 2.67 2.67
Huskblade + Soul Trap 3.33 2.22 3.33 3.33 3.33

The nice surprise here is the Power Sword that perform mostly as good as the more expensive Huskblade, TEQ being the only exception. But charging TEQ is not a good strategy in my opinion anyway...

If you plan to field your Archon with an Haemonculi and some big, ugly Grotesques and points are tight, you could take a Power Sword and the much needed Phantasm Grenade Launcher for around the same points of the Huskblade

Against high Toughness / low Save enemies the Venom Blade is still the best choice


Combat Drugs are one of the upgrades available to the Archon. They are not that expensive but I wonder if they are needed at all!


A boost to the Run move that will not help much our Archon for the following reasons:

  • our Archon will probably ride in a Venom or a Rider most of the time
  • if he Run, he can no longer charge thanks to the changes to Fleet in 6th edition
  • his damage output is not modified in any way


+1 WS: the standard Archon is already hit back on a 5+ by WS3 enemies and this bonus is not enough to gave him the same benefit while fighting WS4 units so still not much help here

His damage output is not changed


+1 S: we start to see some improvements but Agonizers are not effected

without Furious Charge MEQ TEQ ORK GEQ ELD
Venom Blade 1.30 0.65 3.24 2.59 1.94
Power Sword 2.00 0.33 2.00 2.67 2.67
Agonizer 2.00 0.33 2.00 2.00 2.00
Huskblade 2.00 1.33 2.00 2.67 2.67
Huskblade + Soul Trap 3.33 2.22 3.33 3.33 3.33

with Furious Charge MEQ TEQ ORK GEQ ELD
Venom Blade 1.30 0.65 3.24 2.59 1.94
Power Sword 2.67 0.44 2.67 3.33 3.33
Agonizer 2.00 0.33 2.00 2.00 2.00
Huskblade 2.67 1.78 2.67 3.33 3.33
Huskblade + Soul Trap 3.33 2.22 3.33 3.33 3.33


Re-roll failed to-wound rolls: this is always a good thing especially when our Archon must relay only on his base strength to wound his enemies. Not so much if you fight with a Venom Blade

without Furious Charge MEQ TEQ ORK GEQ ELD
Venom Blade 1.30 0.65 3.24 2.59 1.94
Power Sword 2.22 0.37 2.22 3.00 3.00
Agonizer 3.00 0.50 3.00 3.00 3.00
Huskblade 2.22 1.48 2.22 3.00 3.00
Huskblade + Soul Trap 3.89 2.59 3.89 3.89 3.89

with Furious Charge MEQ TEQ ORK GEQ ELD
Venom Blade 1.30 0.65 3.24 2.59 1.94
Power Sword 3.00 0.50 3.00 3.56 3.56
Agonizer 3.00 0.50 3.00 3.00 3.00
Huskblade 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.56 3.56
Huskblade + Soul Trap 3.89 2.59 3.89 3.89 3.89


+1 A: a bonus attack is always welcome!

without Furious Charge MEQ TEQ ORK GEQ ELD
Venom Blade 1.30 0.65 3.24 3.02 2.27
Power Sword 1.56 0.26 1.56 2.33 2.33
Agonizer 2.33 0.39 2.33 2.33 2.33
Huskblade 1.56 1.04 1.56 2.33 2.33
Huskblade + Soul Trap 3.89 2.59 3.89 3.89 3.89

with Furious Charge MEQ TEQ ORK GEQ ELD
Venom Blade 1.51 0.76 3.78 3.02 2.27
Power Sword 2.33 0.39 2.33 3.11 3.11
Agonizer 2.33 0.39 2.33 2.33 2.33
Huskblade 2.33 1.56 2.33 3.11 3.11
Huskblade + Soul Trap 3.89 2.59 3.89 3.89 3.89


A free Pain Token: an improvement of the defence capabilities for the Archon and his units (Fell No Pain) that could also help to gain Furious Charge faster if there is a Pain Token already in the unit (Haemonculi and/or Grotesques)


Of the six drugs only three increase the damage output of the Archon and a forth could do that too in some particular unit configurations. The remaining two drugs are totally wasted on him however

In the end, I think I would take Combat Drugs only if I have some points to spare after I have secured all the other units in the army list or if I will ever field Grotesques with my Archon


There is no overall winner: it all came down on the role you want your Archon to perform.

You want to go hunt Terminators? I won't do that but if you so wish than take the Huskblade and Combat Drugs

MEQ Killer? Power Sword or Agonizer. The Venom Blade is not much worse if points are tight

Hordes anyone? Venom Blade

Are you a Kin slayer? Then a Power Sword or a Venom Blade are your tools

And now it's up to you! What do you guys think on the various special weapons and how do you field your Archon?

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