
Thursday, 10 January 2013

A new exciting Kickstarter: James Wappel painting (and more!) DVDs - UPDATE!

I got a very good news today! James Wappel's painting DVDs project has gone live on Kickstarter!

If you have read my previous post you could understand how excited I'm, I really look forward to see this great painter in action, his technique has always fascinated me so I could not wait to learn it to may be able, some day, to paint miniatures like this one:

painted by James Wappel (wappellious)

Or this one:

painted by James Wappel

Or this one too!

painted by James Wappel (wappellious)

I could go on and on ... just check out his blog for more stunning miniatures!

If you are interested you could help the project by making your pledge on the project page at like I just done :)

Also, check out Mr. Wappel post about the project going live!


The project has gone live less than 24 hours ago and it is already founded! Congratulations to Mr. Wappel and all the pledgers around the world! Now we just waiting for the other goals to be revealed :)