
Sunday, 4 November 2012

Aegis Defence Line : Step II - Airbrush work

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun, Icarus lascannon

Rain! Rain! Rain all day! A perfect time to work on some models!

Yesterday I realized that the gun in the Imperial Bastion kit (I bough one along with the Defence Line) is the Icarus lascannon so I decided to build that gun too. I don't think that I would play it but it's cool to have the model ready if I change my mind in the future.

When all the pieces were ready and mounted on some corks caps or paint bottles it was time to finaly apply paints. I didn't glue the guns togheter to be able to paint them more easly

The first step was to undercoat all the pieces with Vallejo Acrylic - Polyurethane Black Primer (also called "surface primer") with my airbrush

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun, Icarus lascannon

When the primer was dry a applied Vallejo Model Air Light Grey from above leaving black in the deep recesses. This color cover black very well in one coat so I would be able to put down the next color (a blue) very easily with only one or two coats.
As a side note, VMA Light Grey is an almost perfect color match for the grey primer in Surface Primer line of Vallejo

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun, Icarus lascannon

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun, Icarus lascannon

I wanted to give a bit of color in the shadow areas of the walls and the guns so I applied a bit of Vallejo Model Air Dark Sea Blue. Precision is not key here as you could see in the following picture :)

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun

When this layer was dry I applied the main color on all the pieces: Vallejo Model Air French Blue

Aegis Defence Line, Icarus lascannon

I then highlighted the walls and the guns starting with a 1:1 mix of French Blue and Vallejo Model Air Light Sea Blue followed by Light Sea Blue by itself on the most exposed areas

To tie all the colors togethers I misted a very diluted (around 1:20 color to thinner) coat of French Blue all over the painted areas

And this is the final result:

Aegis Defence Line

Aegis Defence Line, Icarus lascannon

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun, Icarus lascannon

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun, Icarus lascannon

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun, Icarus lascannon

Aegis Defence Line

Aegis Defence Line, Quad gun, Icarus lascannon

When the last coat of paint was dry I applied a layer of Vallejo Satin Varnish to protect the airbrush work. It was the first time I used the airbrush to apply a varnish coat and I must say that it worked very well.

All in all it was a very productive day and I'm quite satisfied with how the Aegis is coming along!

Next: details!

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